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Friday 28 September 2012

Project to crack down on Game bots

Researchers from North carolina have a new way to identify a automated bots in online games.
 What is a bot?
A bot is a type of weak AI expert system software which for each instance of the program controls a player in deathmatch,team deathmatch and/or cooperative human player,most prominently in the first person shooters (FPS).Advanced bots feature machine learning for dynamic learning of patterns of the opponent as well as dynamic learning of previously unknown maps,whereas more trivial bots rely completely on lists of waypoints created for each map by the developer,limiting the bot to play only maps with said waypoints.using bots is incidentally against the rules of all the current main Massively Multiplayer online role-playing games (MMPORPG).
            Bots,which are commonly used to reap a game's rewards quickly,are problematic for game companies.players using bots do not purchase game rewards.They also keep players from viewing or interacting with advertisements.The technique allows a game designer to identify bots and cancel the account.It's done by monitoring player's movements and mouse click."If this technique tracks game play for any significant amount of time,it should detect a bot".
                  The project is still in research stage.It's next step is to test in actual online games without interrupting human players.We want to make sure that anything we produce does not disrupt the experience of real games.

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