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Friday 28 September 2012

Raspberry pi

Raspberry pi is a credit card sized single board computer developed in the Uk by the raaspberry pi foundation with the intention of stimulating the teaching of basic computer science in schools.                     A company called Adapteva wants to make parallel computing available to every one,this company is developing the raspberry pi sized board called parallela which can supercomputing power into a  $99 package.This company was founded in 2008 Adapteve focuses on building low power RISC chips,which it sells to board manufacturers, and is trying to license its intellectual property to mobile processor vendors for use in smartphones.
             Adapteva already working on a parallela a 16-core board hitting 13GHz and 26 gigaflops performance, costing $99 each. If the $3 million goal is hit, Adapteva will make a $199 64-core board hitting 45GHz and 90 gigaflops. (Adapteva seems to be counting GHz on a cumulative basis, adding up all the cores.) Both include a dual-core ARM A9-based system-on-chip, with the 16- and 64-core RISC chips acting as coprocessors to speed up tasks. The Adapteva architecture hits performance of 70 gigaflops per watt, and 25GHz per watt.

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