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Tuesday 1 January 2013

Open WebOS poerted to Nexus 7 with working Wi-Fi and browser

WebOS ports has released a video of Open WebOS running on the Nexus 7. After some success with porting Open WebOS to the Galaxy Nexus, the Nexus 7 seems like a perfectly logical place to head. There's some overlap in the two projects that makes it easier to move from one to the other. The video demonstration of the alpha shows some significant limitations, but considering this was accomplished in a week, the results are impressive. WebOS already had support for 7-inch devices when HP shut the doors on the project, due to the planned release of the TouchPad Go. As a result, port can pull a lot from what was already optimized for that experience and move forward quickly. It's also likely that the WebOS ports team will receive some extra help from the Android hacker groups, due to the popularity of the Nexus 7.
It's limping along, but WebOS is still alive. Easily the biggest problem WebOS had in the early days was the hardware, which was not powerful enough to keep up with the OS. The cards UI is perfect for the 7-inch experience, and porting this to the Nexus 7 will give WebOS the environment it deserved from the beginning.

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