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Sunday 14 October 2012

Apple remove iPhone game based on suicides from App store

Apple has banne a politically charged iphone game that tackles human rights issues associated with mass produced electronics.The game was quietly removed from the app stores less than an hour after it live.It's unclear what part of Apple's guidelines the company claims the game violated,but those familiar with the Apple's review process have pointed us to app guidelines "objectionable content"'(16.1) and depictions which solely target a specific race,culture,a real government or corporation,or any other real entity(15.3) as the most likely culprits. Apple has dutifully quashed many apps in the past it considers too controversial,especially when the critique issues that hit too close to home.The ethical concerns surrounding the lifespan of a smartphone,from the mining of rare earth minerals to the hazardous smelting of abandoned components was also banned from the app stores on grounds of being"objectionable".

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