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Monday 29 October 2012

Titan Supercomputer

Titan supercomputer developed by Cray,Inc and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a 20 petaflop.Titan is a transformation of the jaguar supercomputer at oak Ridge to use GPUs in addition to CPUs.Titan was announced in  October 2011 and became operational in october 2012.The project at first will replace the cray XT5 computer blades which include Opteron CPUs and Tesla GPUs.According to cray overall development costs were estimated to be $97 million.The computer performs 20 peteflops or 20,000 trillion calculations per second.


     It's NVIDIA'a Kepler GPUs and AMD Opetron 6274 processors doing the heavy lifting.The research will include simulating physical systems, such as Weather patterns,or progressions in energy, climate change, efficient engines,materials and other fields.Researchers from schools and universities,government labs and private industry can access Titan by arrangement.Final testing is underway by the laboratory and cray.
    There are 299,008 CPU cores,16 to each of 18,688 nodes and each node also has an NVIDIA Tesla K20 graphics accelerator.

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