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Saturday 2 February 2013

Fijit acquiring Miso

Dijit Media, Inc, makers of the popular NextGuide and Dijit Remote TV discovery and control applications, announced today that the company is in the process of acquiring GoMisc, Inc, makers of the Miso, slideshows, and Quips Social TV products. Dijit will continue to support Miso and slideshows users, but intends to shut down the Quips app and service. Somrat Niyogi, founder of GoMiso, Inc, will join Dijit as an advisor.
        Dijit Media's flagship app is NextGuide, a "hyper-personalized" TV guide that brings together live TV with results from Amazon Instant video, Amazon Prime, Hulu Plus, iTunes, and Netflix. The app combines Dijit's  recommendations and discovery technology with social features and a unique mosaic style interface for a modernized re-interpretation of the classic guide.
      As of the streaming TV service increases, so does the need for cross platform discovery solutions that aid consumers in identifying pretended content," said Andy Tarczon, founding partner of TDG Research. Dijit strongly positions themselves as a leader in the evolving entertainment discovery category.

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