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Sunday 17 February 2013

Micron creates 20nm TLC memory chip with 128 gigabit capacity

 Micro has been able to create Triple Level Cell (TLC) chips with a capacity of 128 gigabit. The chips are manufactured using a 20nm production process and as the name suggest, are capable of storing three bits per memory cell. This combination allows for the same storage capacities to be created using just two-thirds of the chip surface. One of the downsides of the technology is that the writing speeds are rather disappointing and memory cells can be written only 750x. Through over-provisioning and wear-leveling algorithms, the durability of the chips should last over a longer period of time as well.
       Micron's 128 gigabyte TLC chips will predominantly be used in memory cards and USB flash drives. Micron claims that its 20nm TLS chip has the greatest data density in the world. With a 146mm² surface, the chip is roughly 25% smaller than a 128 gigabit MLC chip. Micron has yet to reveal any information regarding the first products featuring the technology.

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